Baby Countdown!

pregnancy calendar

Sunday, September 19, 2010

9 Weeks

Dear Baby,
    Mommy is now 9 weeks pregnant with you as of yesterday.  I would have written to you yesterday, but you had me so sick, I just couldn't.  Yesterday was the first time I physically got sick.  I have nausea every day, but I have never gotten sick until yesterday.  You must not have like my breakfast of Rice Krispies cereal, I will be sure to avoid it for awhile, LOL!
    Not too much has really been going on around here.  I have found out that 2 other people I know are also pregnant & their babies are due around the same time you are.  I'm just excited for the next 3 weeks to hopefully go by fast, so we can go to the doctor & hear your heartbeat again.  Since I have been feeling so cruddy lately, I am confident that you are still growing & developing as you should.  My baby information says that you are now 1 inch long & are the size of a grape.  You aren't even here yet & you are already growing so fast!
    You take it easy in there & try to take it easy on me.  I want you to be happy & healthy, but I could use a little break from feeling sick all the time.  I still don't mind the sick feeling, I would do anything for you to ensure your happiness & health.  You continue to grow & Daddy & I will talk to you again soon.  We love you!

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